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Halloween Ghost Trail
Halloween Ghost Trail

Maw, 31 Hyd


Victoria Square

Halloween Ghost Trail

Ghostly Tales Trail through Victoria Scare! An event for children 5-12yrs

Registration is closed
See other events

Time & Location

31 Hyd 2023, 17:30 – 19:00

Victoria Square, Victoria Square, Penarth CF64 3EJ, UK

About the event

An interactive evening of Spooky Stories and Ghastly Games,. Be led around The Square by our Master of Monsters to hear "terrifying" tales and experience unexpected encounters.

This event is aimed at children age 5-12.

Outdoor Event

Meeting Locaition: Front of All Saints Church

Ticket Check In from: 5:30pm

Performance Start Time: 6:00pm

Approximate Finishing Time: 7:00pm


Tickets are free, though we will be accepting donations on the day which will towards helping our work at The Square. (cash and card accepted)

A maximum of 20 Child participant tickets are available.

  1. Child  Participant - for any participating attendee
  2. Adult - You MUST include 1 with your party. (A maximum of 2). This ticket cannot be claimed without a Child Ticket.
  3. Under 5 notifier - This is a non-participant ticket, Please include with above if you are brining any under 5s. This ticket cannot be claimed without a Child Ticket.
  4. [PARTY refers to the total number of tickets included in a single reservation]


Children Under 5

Content may not be suitable for under 5s.

If you are having to bring an under 5 to this event please include an Under 5's Notification Ticket in your 'purchase' to alert us to this. These tickets cannot be used without at least 1 Child ticket.

Should an accompanying adult's supervising attendance  have to include bringing an under 5 we understand, and while they can view the performance they must remain in direct supervision by an accompanying adult at all times. It may be necessary for them to be excluded / removed from some parts of the event, especially if they find it distressing and cause disruption.  (Depending on the age and maturity of your participating child/ren it may be wise to have a second adult available to supervise them away from the event).

Children over 12

Though we have designed this event for the recommended age range above, we understand there may be children older than 12 who could participate, (or may have to accompany their parents attending).  They are welcome to be included.

If they are accompanying the party as a necessity for other reasons, but not as a non-participant, they will not need a ticket, but please notify us on the day for safety purposes.

If they are under 18 they cannot be counted as a responsible adult-in-supervison, and therefore a full adult will also need to be attending.

Adult Supervision

We require at least 1 adult to accompany your party, and no more than 2 overall (for space reasons)

We ask for a Common Sense Approach to supervising your children. The Volunteer performers and event staff are not responsible for the behaviour, disapline or parental control of attendees, though may have to intervine if nessary for reasons of safety and instruction, and to avoid disruption to the performance. Friends of Victoria Square volunteers and event staff are not there to directly supervise them or act as loco parentis during the event.

Can an adult from another party help supervise my children, or can I send them with a friend rather than parent/guardian?

Yes, so long as they're someone you know who is able to keep your children properly supervised. It is entirely up to you to agree on any arrangements. Please make sure your children know of this arrangement, as well as inform any event staff should this occur during the event if it involves leaving them in that person's care.

Party Size

While we have not set a minimum ratio of adults to children, we advise you consider what is best suited for supervising the children you bring.

Why we are ticketing this way?

Aside from indicating overall event attendance numbers this will also help us to plan our supervision around the trail and safety requirements accordingly. Being aware of who is in attendance will assist with our preparation for this event, as well as stewarding and safety on the day.

CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES (Dressing for the occasion)

  • Halloween Fancy Dress is welcome (and encouraged), though please also take into account the wearther.
  • Sensible footwear suitable for walking on damp grass required.
  • Torches can be brought for safety use but we will ask for them to be kept off during the performance elements. (This may also apply to other lights as part of a costume.


This event will:

  • take place from dusk to night time so will be dark in part.
  • take place on both hard paths and grassed areas. The square is relatively flat and mostly wheelchair accessible, though grassed areas can be subject to soft mud iwhen wet.  We can adjust the route accordingly.
  •  not use any strobe lights, though will use other light effects, torches / safety lights.
  • not use any loud, recorded music or sounds, though there may be other sounds and sound effects involved
  • have soft jump scares & spooky effects.
  • The Square will also still be open to membes of the public, who may be walking dogs, as well as surrounded by the roads where traffic may be passing by.
  • If you have any issues or concerns, please speak to event staff prior to the start.


This is an event being attended by children. We ask that you do not take photographs that show the faces of children (and possibly adults) that are not part of your party.

Photographiing the performers is acceptable

Please DO NOT use video recording.

If you post your photographs to social media, please tag us in on Facebook & Instagram.

Alternatively you can email them to our webmaster at fovxweb  for public posting on our  platforms - Sending photos this way grants this right, though we may alter them for display/content safety purposes.


Light rain & cold will not prevent this event. Should it be very wet, windy or other extreme weather conditions we will not run this event and will email you to inform you of this, and any possible alternative arrangements we can make.

If you have any other queries regarding this event please CONTACT US.

*no guarentee actual spooks, ghosts and monsters etc. will appear.


  • Child Participant Attendee

    This ticket is for a participating child age 5-16. At least 1 Adult Ticket MUST be included with total number of child tickets claimed in this transaction. (Maximum of 2 adults overall). This event is aimed at children 5-12. Please see Event Details for information about children 13-16.

    Sold Out
  • Adult in Supervision

    This ticket is for 1x adult supervising their overall party. A minimum of 1 adult MUST be in attendance for their party, with a maximum of 2. This ticket cannot be claimed without a Child Participant ticket.

    Sold Out
  • Under 5s Notifier

    This ticket is to notify event staff that your party will include an under 5 in attendance at the event. Reminder that under 5s are not counted as participants and some elements of this event may be unsuitable for them. This ticket cannot be claimed without at least 1 Child Participant ticket. This ticket also requires at least 1 Adult ticket included in the party (recommended 2). Adult must remain in direct supervision of any under 5s at all times. See Event Details for full T&Cs

    Sold Out

This event is sold out

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Friends of Victoria Square is a sub-group of The Penarth Civic Societyand are covered by their charity number 1182348*

Unless stated otherwise, all information on this website is ©2019-Present Friends of Victoria Square.

The content of this website is created & managed by volunteer members of FoVS.

With thanks to Emma Cahill of Socially Aware for creating the initial site and training our volunteers in how to edit it.

*Friends of Victoria Square are not responsible for the content of external websites, documents or other items we do not have specific control over but choose to link to in good faith.

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Funded by:

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 & working in collaboration with:

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Last Site Update 19/12/23

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