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Friends of Victoria Square
Ffrindiau Sgwâr Fictoria
Penarth, Wales / Cymru

DO NOT LEAVE YOUR Post-Halloween Pumpkins at Victoria Square!

[Updae Pending]
What are you using the pumpkins for?
We won't be.
Why should we donate our pumpkins elsewhere?
Many animals do not make it through the winter due to a lack of food availability. Therefore, providing our local wildlife with additional food sources throughout the colder months will help to prepare them for the winter, and ensure their survival through to Spring. This is a cost-effective and sustainable way for us all to help our local environment!
Do you accept any pumpkins?
We are no longer accepting any pumpkins. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ANY AT THE SQUARE!
What about the seeds?
Many animals can eat the seeds (including yourself). Why not roast them or feed them to birds/squirrels?
What animals will eat the pumpkins?
A range of animals LOVE pumpkins! Especially garden birds, grey squirrels and even red foxes.
Are pumpkins harmful to any wild animals?
Unfortunately, pumpkins can upset hedgehog tummies if over-consumed (they much prefer worms, bugs and insects). In light of this, we will ensure your pumpkins are placed in elevated positions e.g. on branches and in bird feeders… away from any hungry hogs!
What if my dog/cat eats some pumpkin?
Not to worry! Dogs & Cats can safely eat pumpkin seeds as well as cooked or raw pumpkin. Please seek advice though as to how much they can safely consume.
What if my pumpkin is already starting to go mouldy or is scorched from being used as a Halloween Jack-o-lantern?
Good question! A bit of scorching is ok, as this can be removed. As can mushy/mouldy parts. Anything too far gone can go directly into your compost OR into your VoG FOOD WASTE CADDY. Anything else is suitable food for wildlife.
What will you do if you receive more pumpkins than expected?
We will class this as fly tipping and dispose of accordingly.
What if The Square looks messy with rotting pumpkins everywhere?
As locals, we at Friends of Victoria Square will always look to maintain The Square as a clean and enjoyable space for everyone.
Of course we also cannot control animal (/discourteous human's) behaviour, so they may end up making some mess themselves when we're not looking. (We'll do our best to monitor this.)
We expect all visitors to Victoria Square to give it the same courtesy. As we ask that no pumpkins are left anywhere in The Square we hope that people will respect this wish and not make a mess.
Can I place my pumpkin anywhere in The Square myself?
Can I not donate my pumpkin, but put it out for the wildlife in my own back garden?
Absolutely. This will help keep it out of The Square.
What about me putting it in other locations (such as other parks or green-spaces?)
Other local parks and green-spaces are not under our control, so we cannot speak for them. While we cannot stop you from doing this, we do advise caution. REMEMBER, they are all public spaces, and the public (and park-keepers) may not want to see them ‘littered’ with random bits of abandoned pumpkin. We at least will be keeping an ecological eye on the ones we place.
IF YOU DO PLAN ON DOING THIS ELSEWHERE – Please monitor your pumpkin, and if it has not been consumed after a few days, remove it before it rots in place (which can cause further issues) and dispose of properly, either in a compost heap, or food recycling caddy.
ADVISED ALSO not to leave seeds where they might grow.
While pumpkins are a harmless plant, the last thing those maintaining the green-spaces would want is to have to deal with are any rogue plants. They can also upset the balance of nature (soil nutrition) in those locations (which is not something we're looking to do).
We at FoVS bear no responsibility for anyone doing anything outside of our own remit for this activity.
All we ask is that you please reuse & recycle responsibly.

Photo of Ecologists on Hibernacula
(c) 2021 Pamela Armstrong
Important FAQs
Pumpkin Facts
Did you know...

…that we estimate we received over 300 pumpkins last year.
with good storage they can last several months?
...there are an estimated 150 types of pumpkin plants & hundreds of varieties*

A bit of Tobasco Sauce, in your Pumpkin Soup can really bring out the pumpkin's flavour.

With thanks to Laura Rodwell & Ella Robertson for their work on this. All other photos & artwork on this page (c) 2021 Dan PT Brown for the FoVS Picture Library.
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