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Equality & Diversity Policy

At FoVS we consider that equality means breaking down barriers eliminating discrimination and ensuring equal opportunities and access for all groups when contributing to and volunteering for our activities

We acknowledge that Equality and Diversity are not inter–changeable but interdependent. There can be no equality of opportunity if differences are not valued and harnessed.

Our commitment is that each member and volunteer is entitled to an environment that promotes dignity, equality and respect for all.  FoVS will not tolerate any acts of unlawful or unfair discrimination (including harassment) committed against a member or volunteer, contractor or visitor, because of a protected characteristic, listed below


  • Sex

  • Gender re-assignment

  • Marriage and civil partnerships

  • Pregnancy and maternity

  • Race (including ethnic origin)

  • Colour

  • Nationality and national origin

  • Disability 

  • Sexual orientation

  • Religion and or belief

  • Age


No form of intimidation bullying or harassment will be tolerated.  If you believe you may have suffered discrimination because of any of the above protected characteristics, you should discuss the matter with a committee member or the secretary and or chair of the organisation.

Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in an appropriate manner. FoVS will ensure that individuals who make such allegations in good faith will not be victimised or treated less favourably as a result.

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